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Final Project… Marvel Mash

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The video you guys have been waiting for… The Ultimate Marvel Mash Up

For my CT 101 Digital Storytelling project… we had to come up with a idea for a final project… something we could expand on that we already did. At first, I wanted to expand on my video analysis on Do The Right Thing… but  I was like egh I like the idea, but I don’t love it…

The same weekend Marvel’s Avenegers came out… and I fell in love… That was my project idea… not just Marvel characters, but Marvel characters leading up to their defining moment that makes them The Hulk, The Fantastic 4, The Ironman….

My Professor (Professor Smith) helped me with the idea… he also gave me some googling ideas to find super heroes.

The mash up is 5 mins long… I got so caught up I don’t now how much clips I used I repeated the Marvel intro theme and the lightening from Thor…


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