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A walk through the Jungle- Sound Effect Story

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The Sound Effect Story was a lot of fun and great way for fellow bloggers of Camp Magic MacGruffin to show of their creative side. I did the sounds of a thunderstorm in a tropical jungle. I adore the outdoors and always prefer to be outside rather then in. With summer time being dead in the middle, only means summer rain and heat. I love thunderstorms and being outside in the midst of a rain storm, there is probably nothing more refreshing. I have never been in any type of Jungle, especially during a Thunder Storm. I could just assume this is what it would sound like though.

I started off with birds chirping and a light rain to slowly build the mood. I slowly built up to a heavier rain with some distant lightening in the back. The howling monkeys and birds flying away signify that something heavy is about to come. All of sudden the mood gets more intense with the crackling of lightening. The mood becomes lighter after this as the rain lightens up into a soft pitter patter.

I found all of the sounds on I used a program called Final Cut Pro to put all the sounds together to make a story of what a tropical storm would sound like. I incorporated monkeys howling after every lightening strike to give it a more authentic feeling of actually being there. After uploading all the sounds into Final Cut Pro, I used a method called “Rubber Banding” where you can transition each noise smoothly by lowering the noise at a gentle slope.

I originally saved this file as a AIFF then converted to MP4 so it would be smaller to download and more durable on Sound Cloud.


Enjoy a brief moment through the Jungle!



RainForestProject1 © by katherinekd101

This is a screen shot of Final Cut Pro. This is the Sound Effect Story put together :)

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