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What People Think I do Meme

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I have always wanted to create a Meme, they are always so amusing to me lol. I used for this one, it is super easy. I decided to just make it a comical parody of myself in a sense. The first picture on the top left is how my mother thinks I eat all prim and proper… the one below it is how I really eat (when I’m hungry lol). The second column is what people think I do at events as an ISA (Islamic Student Association) Executive Board member… and what I actually do. The last one is how I percieve myself as a computer science major … nothing less than the great Morpheus from The Matrix (that movie has part of my heart), when in reality I just sit in my room and make weird faces at code that refuses to run properly the first go.

I thought to do a single aspect of myself- like a meme on CPSC majors, Egyptians, Africans, Muslim, how I drive my car- but thought it more individual and personally amusing to do one specifically for Mohamed himself.


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