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pre-production for my upcoming video projects….

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One video assignment I am very excited about doing is Make a Scene from a Horror Film. I  already have been taking notes, brainstorming, and messing with the camera for it.

– I plan to create a scene not from an existing film, but a made up one

– Title Ideas: Attack of the Nerd Zombies, The PC Haunting (yes I know, I know… lol)

– I will need some dramatic background music.. I’ve looked up some sound clips on and can even take sounds from youtube clip if neccesary

– Might use “The Voice” for this scene/trailer

– Have been tinkering with shadow and lighting affects

– Will use family and friends as props/ghosts/zombies


The second assignment that really grabbed my attention is to make a 30 Second Documentary that shows moreso than tells something.

– I plan to do a documentary on how I program

– Another Idea is making and eating food (something simple like a sandwich or cereal… but of course it will be made out to be EPIC )

– I’ve been taking small video clips and photos of myself on the computer, eating, making food…

Those were just 2 of the ones that grabbed my attention that I am furthest along working on. Keep an eye out the next 2 days for final products!

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