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Tutorial For My Mother

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Some people are tech savvy and some aren’t. My mother is always curious about how technology works and is constantly being updated on a daily basis. Recently through DS106 we learned how to download YouTube videos straight into the computer. This is something that will really come in handy for this class and for the future, whether it be pure entertainment or work/school related.

I told my mom about this new discovery and she suddenly became very interested! I decided to make a tutorial on how to show my mom on how to download a YouTube video.

Enjoy :) maybe you will learn something new too!

I used Quick Time to film my desktop then used Sound Cloud to add in audio. The first 4-5 seconds of me introducing the tutorial was filmed through Photo Booth (an application that comes with Mac Computers).

tutorialmom1 © by katherinekd101

I then downloaded my audio from Sound Cloud and uploaded it into my Itunes. The final step was to upload everything into iMovie and make layers of sound and video. Luckily, for this tutorial I only had one layer of audio so it was fairly simple.

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