1. October 1, 2012: Today is World Vegetarian Day-make a photo that celebrates this holiday.
I am personally not a vegetarian but when I saw this daily create I decided for lunch that I would have something a vegetarian would have. So I went to Seco and got some pasta and then I put tomato sauce on my pasta. I only took a picture of half of my plate because the other half of my plate had meat on it so I didn’t want any meat to be in my picture.
2. October 2, 2012: Imagine your own personal font (typeface) and draw the letters in your name.
For this daily create I decided what better way to imagine my own personal font than use my own handwriting. So for this I wrote down my name in my neatest handwriting and took a picture of it!
3. October 4, 2012: From memory, draw the floor plan of the house you grew up in.
This is the floor plan of my house that I grew up in. It was easy for me to remember the floorplan because I still live in this house during the summer and on school breaks and such. In this drawing I included the first and second floor.
3. October 6, 2012: Add effects to your favorite song! eg. as performed by visitors from outer space.
For this Daily Create I first went to Freesounds and found this one sound called whispers. I thought that the whispers sound related most to something that was from outer space. (Like aliens whispering to each other about their reactions on landing on a new planet). Then I uploaded the sound into Audacity. After that I then went to my iTunes library and picked a song that I thought would best go with the whispers sound effect. I choose a song with no words called Doomsday (it’s from a TV show called Doctor Who) and recorded it into Audacity. I thought the whispers went nicely with this song. I only recorded the first minute of the song because the song is 5 minutes long. This is my first daily create where I have used sound cloud so I hope you enjoy!
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