Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94983 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

A Two-fer: Week 7 & 8 all Bundled up Together!

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cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog

Welcome to Weeks Seven & Eight of ds106. This marks the official half-way point for the class. Congratulations, you’re half-way to reclaiming your life again!

The next two weeks are all about audio and radio. The majority of your work during this time should be working on your radio show which is due Friday, October 19th by midnight.

Radio Show Details

Continue working in your groups on your radio shows. By now, you’ve picked your show theme and format, and you should each have scoped out what your contribution to the show will be. Over the next week and a half, you need to produce this show. We encourage you to blog about your work regularly, and share what’s going well and what’s giving you trouble!

For some guidance, you may want to review some of the radio shows previous student groups have done – what works about them? What does not? Is it good radio?

Shows are due by Friday, 10/19 at midnight. All shows must be uploaded to the ds106 radio DropBox (the password is “wejamecono”) as an mp3 file that is under 75Mb.

Please name your audio files as follows: GroupName_F12_ds106radio.mp3.

We will be playing all of the shows LIVE on ds106 radio on Monday 10/22 and Tuesday 10/23. Broadcasts will be during the following time slots:

  • Alan’s Students: 6-9pm EST on Monday, 10/22
  • Martha’s Students: 6-9pm EST on Tuesday, 10/23

By Sunday, 10/14, you must fill out this form to reserve a spot for your show. At least one member of each show must be available to talk live with Martha or Alan during the live broadcast. You’ll need to indicate who this person is when you fill out the form. During the broadcast, we’ll interview you briefly before and after your show to talk about your work.

By Sunday, 10/21 at midnight, you must post a reflection on your blog about the entire radio show production process, particularly delineating your role in the production.

Each group will receive a grade on the show; in addition, each student will receive an individual grade on their contribution to the show. You will have an opportunity to provide peer-evaluations of each of your group members (information about this will be distributed after shows are turned in).

Audio Storytelling

Over the next two weeks, you must complete 10 points of audio projects from the audio category in the Assignment Repository. Remember, each assignment must be written up in its own post, be properly tagged, and should include a narration of your creative process and how it was created. All external source materials used in your projects must be referenced by URL. Audio must also be embedded from your SoundCloud account.

Recycle Your Unused Media

Over the next few weeks, you will hear more about some collaboration with a similar class in the UK called phonar – a 3ed year photography course at Coventry University. In a lead up to a future remix projects, both classes will be sharing images, graphics, audio etc they may have created but not ended up using.

Think of this is recycling of media. Your easy task this week is to track down 4 media files you have made or not used in your assignment work so far. Make sure you edit their file names so they are descriptive of the content.

Upload them to the ds106phonor drop box at (the password is “photos4life”).

For your weekly writeup, tell us what the filenames were (do not link ro embed them this time) and what assignment they were rejects from.

You will see them later!

Daily Creates

Over the next two weeks, you must complete at least six Daily Create challenges, you can disperse them as you please (3 each week, 6 in week 2, etc).

Weekly Summary

You only need to write ONE summary for these two weeks; it is due by midnight on Sunday, October 21. Your summary should include the following:

  • Links to your 10 points of audio projects
  • Names of the 4 pieces of un-used media you shared to the ds106-phonar recycling project (and what assignment they were left overs from)
  • Links to your Daily Create summary post, and
  • Your reflection upon your contribution to the radio show and to your assessment of the group process:
    • How did your group go about choosing a theme and organizing itself?
    • What was the easiest/hardest part of working as a group?
    • How did you decide upon your own contribution to the show — did you pick something in your comfort zone or did you decide to push yourself in a new direction?
    • How do you feel your show holds together as a whole? Do you feel like you achieved your goals in terms of the story your group set out to tell?
    • You’ve worked pretty intensively with audio now for several weeks of ds106 — describe what that process has been like. When you started with this section of the class, what did you think it would be like and how did the experience measure up?

Two fer one!


  1. afghanwoman

    October 10, 2012

    this week summery is due on 14 october ???

  2. Martha

    October 10, 2012

    There is only one summary due for these two weeks, and it is due by midnight on Sunday, October 21st. Your radio shows, however, are due by midnight on Friday, October 19th.

  3. afghanwoman

    October 11, 2012

    Thank you Professor Burtis.

    I was confused because in the canvus I had weekly summery 7 due on 14 october.

    but now it is clear.. thank you again

  4. afghanwoman

    October 11, 2012

    for recycling the media-can it be anything like a photograph that we took and did not use… for instance if am using a design asssignment which was named ” super hero ” because in the assignment repository it asked that. can it be a good name or I need to day design assignment.

    Thank you in advance

  5. afghanwoman

    October 11, 2012

    I am confused by four media files,

    I submitted four photos from visual, and design assignment that I did not used.

  6. Martha

    October 19, 2012

    Yes — it sounds like you did this correctly! Just be sure to tell us what files you uploaded when you write your weekly summary!

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