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Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

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This assignment is called “Seuss it.” It is audio assignment 562 and it is worth 3 stars. The assignment read:

 ”Take a Dr. Seuss book, or perhaps the Berenstain Bears, or one of your own favorites, and read it to us. Give me your best Yertle the Turtle, or Lorax, or Mama Bear and have fun!”
As soon as I saw this assignment in the repository, I knew I absolutely had to do it! Dr. Seuss books played a huge role in my childhood. He probably deserves most of the credit for teaching me to read. We had an awesome collection of Dr. Seuss books! I think at one point I had a few memorized. I would read them for hours, even out loud to my little sister sometimes.
Choosing which book to use for this assignment was very difficult because I really do love them all! I thought hard about which one to read and finally decided on “Oh, the Places You’ll Go.” When I graduated high school my mom gave my two best friends and I a copy of “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” and inside the front covers she wrote a personal letter to each of us. In the letter she said why she was proud of each of us and things that she sees in each of our futures. I thought this was a good choice for the assignment because I really like the messages with in the book. Even though it is a children’s book the underlying message can really apply to our adult lives.
This assignment was pretty simple! I recorded it in Audacity and then uploaded it to soundcloud. It was a little time consuming because I recorded it a few times before I was content with the way it sounded.

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