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Daily Creates 7/8

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I was just sitting at work looking through the Daily Creates trying to see which ones I could knock out while on duty on Friday night… and I found this one! I noticed that most people who had already submitted the assignment had drawn happy or frowny faces, so when drawing with my non-dominant hang I decided to make an UGEEE FACE mwahaha!

Non-Dominant Emotion

This daily create was fun to think about. It made me actually have to think about what is the first thing that I do in the morning. I always put my contacts in first but when I tried to take a picture of that, it just looked weird. So the next thing I do is brush my hair so that’s what worked out best for the picture!

Brushing Hair

This daily create was an automatic to-do assignment for me because I easily thought of the perfect picture I wanted to use for this. I used a picture of my best friend Julie recently and morphed her into a zombie. Needless to say, she didn’t really like the look of it so I decided to make it up with choosing this picture! This is a picture of us together from our Senior Prom. Julie has been my best friend all of through high school and has always always been there for me and always tells me the truth, even though it’s hard to hear sometimes. This was a great night and she looks beautiful and this is one of my favorite pictures of US together and also from my senior prom. Love you Juuuu!

Julie is Important

This assignment I really wanted to try and find a picture for because I know I had something somewhere that could represent this assignment well. I chose a picture from late this September. I was just taking a picture of the pretty tree to show how fall was already rapidly approaching. I happen to also capture the fence of Marshall lot in there. This fence divides the parking lot from the grass and the street and represents the difference between these things.

Marshall Gate

I was really excited to do this assignment because I enjoy doing daily creates from SoundCloud, it’s just something different than just taking a picture of something. We got to do a dramatic reading of Emily Dickinson’s poem “If You Were Coming In the Fall.” I really liked this poem, I thought it was really beautiful so I enjoyed reading it aloud and doing this dramatic reading.

The last daily create I did for the week was to create a drawing of something by only using the numbers 1, 0, and 6. I liked the pictures people had posted of drawing faces and thought that was a really good idea. But I just decided to draw a heart using two 6′s and then I went with that and just put a 1 (as in I) and then three 1′s connected to make a U. So I Love You!

I 66 III


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