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I deserve a break today.

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Whew. Done. These past two weeks have been difficult but I made it through, as usual. I doubted myself along the way, also as usual, but in the end I have some finished products. First on the list is my two weeks worth of Daily Creates:

The most difficult part of the past two weeks was audio assignments. I am less skilled with audio than I am with creating and manipulating images. With more practice however, I think I am getting much better.

The first assignment I chose to do was to “chipmunk” a popular song. After playing around with a few different songs, I think the most dramatic and most enjoyable version I did was the chipmunking of Five To One by The Doors. Hearing a high-pitch Jim Morrison is amazingly cool to me. I also messed with the temp a little. Take a listen:




Next I decided to take an entire movie soundtrack and make a version of it that is under 10 minutes long. I started with the Ocean’s 11 soundtrack but as much as I love the music for that movie, it wasn’t telling the story. So I chose to take on a bigger, more frightening movie… The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. I chose the soundtrack because each song walks you through the movie. I promise that if you close your eyes and listen, you can experience the movie as if you were watching. Don’t believe me? Try it:



We also had to share some files with another class that can benefit from any of our unused media. Basically we were required to share some rejects. I had a ton to choose from but I was thinking about what might be most useful. I decided to upload a picture of a spider-web, two pictures of my cats, and then a picture of a barn that I color-splashed. I used generic tags for sharing so that people could find very pertinent stuff to a search like “spider web” or “barn.” Hopefully others will be able to use what I was unable to use. Yay recycling!


Lastly I am going to mention the work on my radio show. Our radio show is about Autumn and Halloween experiences. We decided to do man-on-the-street and call-in type interviews with friends around campus. I was surprised at how well these turned out. I conducted several interviews and shared them with my group. I also met up with my group on campus and helped them convert and encode our radio show that it meets the required specs. I am also going to be skyping with my professor during our show.

When I first heard about the assignment I was kind of angry. Mostly because I HATE group projects. This one can be filed under not so bad/enjoyable. I had a great time meeting the people in my group and getting to work with them on such a large collaborative process. Our radio show will turn out to be great because of the work we all put into it.

Next time I am assigned a group project, I will keep this success in mind and go into it more optimistically. Another DS106 success story!

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