From the Spring 2011 ds106 class came the idea of changing up an existing web page to tell a new story ” you will be intervening in the code and design of a website of your choice to tell a story. You are not to photoshop the design of the site, but rather intervene in the actual html and CSS of the site—though you can photoshop particular images on the site. Essentially you alter the content of a web page (content, images) to make it tell a new story.
Originally we recommended doing this using the Firebug extension in the Firefox browser, which does work, but is unfortunately easy to lose your work. We currently recommend Mozilla Hackasaurus — install the X-Ray Googles in any browser and use it to re-cast the content of any web page.
When you blog it, include both a screen capture in your post, but you will also need to upload the web files (HTML and media files) to your own site so it can exist as a stand alone URL. (see our older Firebug Tutorial)
Consider using news sites, social media profiles, product pages, movie review pages etc. The simpler the design of the page, the easier it will be (think Craig’s List).
This is a 5 star assignment
For this assignment I actually thought was was going to be really hard and I was worried about how I was going to get this assignment done. The tutorial on hackasaurus really helped me though, and after figuring out what I was doing the hardest thing for me was deciding what kind of story I wanted to tell on the web. While looking on amazon I came across the chicken soup for the soul books. This got me thinking about how awesome would it be if there was a Chicken Soup book for the ds106 soul. That is when I got the idea to use hackasaurus and the x ray goggles. These tools make is really easy for me to hack the site. I even used photoshop to create a new book cover for the Chicken soup for the soul. After I got the hang of using the X-ray goggles it was really easy to add my own words on the website. After that I then published my story and grabbed the html code and saved it to EditPad lite. I then saved it as an html file and uploaded it to my blog.
Below are screen shots of my amazon page Chicken Soup for the ds106 Soul:
Here is the link to my amazon page on Chicken Soup for the ds106 Soul.
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