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Cool Story, 6?er

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I don’t know if its a thing or not but I have been referring to other DS106′ers as simply  6′ers for a few weeks. Yea I’ll take credit if it does become a thing. Anyways, this week I had to remix a website. And I did. And its amazing. Check this out:

I edited the site using X-Ray Goggles. No not real goggles, the Mozilla Hackasaurus tool. It was an incredibly easy process. All you really have to do is install the tool into your toolbar… seems like the most apt place for it. Then, click on the tool when you are viewing the site you want to edit. It really does all the work for you. That being said, I’m glad I have some html experience (thank you Myspace). I also did some gimping to add some snazz to my remix.

Here is the original site that I edited:

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