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Looking Fine! Here is the Weekly Summary for Week Nine!

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Here is the link to my Review Show Reviews:

Radio Show Reviews

Here are the links to my Web Assignments:

Web Assignments

Here is the link to my assignment Storytelling within the Web:

Web Storytelling

Here is the link to my Daily Create Story:


The only issue I had with Week 9 was the 5-stars worth of assignments we were assigned to do from the Web Assignment Respiratory. Either I didn’t like the assignments or none of them were rated high enough to cover the amount I needed for this week. So I decided to create my own assignment this for this respiratory this week.

I’m glad that you guys had us do something with our Daily Creates this week! It made the task of doing them seem less boring and it forced me to think more instead of just snapping a simple picture to complete this assignment! An even with the Daily Create I stepped outside of my normal comfort zone and decided to make my first Youtube video!= )

The Web Storytelling Assignment was a breeze after I used the tutorial on X-Ray Googles! I did have a little trouble figuring out how to take a screen shot of my page, but luckily I found a application for Google Chrome that helped me solved this issue.

Well that’s all I have about this week. See you guys next Sunday!

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