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So, after some careful consideration, I’m going to work with the Return to the Silent Era and Play by Play.  Return to the Silent Era was an obvious choice, but it took me a little bit of time to figure out what I wanted to do for my second assignment.  Since I absolutely love the video editing, this is by far my most anticipated week or work.  I think we’ll be doing this next week too, so I would have to say that this will be my two favorite weeks of the course!

For the Silent Era, I’m going to use the trailer to Zombieland.  Since it’s that time of the year, I figured that this would be the best trailer to use.  I watched this trailer with the volume off so I could get figure out if it would be a good fit for the assignment and it seems like it would be.  For that reason, I am choosing this trailer:

For my musical soundtrack choice, I’m going with Giles Lamb’s Dead Island:

This song with that clip is going to be absolutely amazing.  I searched through my iTunes playlist for the best possible combination and I really feel that this will capture the essence of the trailer.  That song with that clip and the antique effect that I’m going to apply is going to be absolutely amazing.

For the Play by Play, I’m going to use a video that I took the other day of my son Jackson eating a lemon.  We were out to eat at Pancho Villa and it was the first time that he had anything other than breast milk to eat.  Since his face was absolutely priceless, I knew instantly which video that I would use.  I’m just going to have to come up with some clever things to say on top of the video!  I don’t have any links to the video because I haven’t uploaded it to YouTube yet, but I have it saved on my phone and it’s ready to be edited!

I looked at Silent Star Wars and Silent Bill.  Both of them were really awesome and inspired me for sure.  I didn’t really know which video I wanted to go with before watching them, but they each seemed very up beat and silly.  I wanted to keep along the same lines of the theme of the movie with the soundtrack and that’s why I chose the Dead Island song with the Zombieland trailer.  Silent Star Wars had great effects with the dialogue being shown in between the shots and Silent Bill had the great idea of putting the dialogue at the bottom of the trailer.  It just made it feel really old and authentic.

For the Play by Play, I watched Modern Warfare and the Brandon Stokeley TD.  I found these both to be a bit more less appealing than the one I’m going to create, but that’s because I really think that having something funny for the Play by Play is a lot better than something serious or not as funny.  It’s just going to be a good time creating something.

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