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Any Given Sunday

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I chose the football speech  given by Al Pacino scene in Any Given Sunday to analyze.

  1. The scene begins with slowly zooming in on the sign outside the locker room that says “POSITIVELY NO VISITORS.” This starts the story that nobody else is allowed inside, only the home team. The camera tracks the faces (and therefore emotions) of the players, moving from left to right, and is very close so you just see their chest and face in the view. The coach starts out on the left side, which is negative, and throughout the scene is constantly moving, being dynamic. As the coach is giving the speech, the camera tracks the faces of the players and other coaches again, showing how the head coach’s speech is impacting them, building the emotion of the scene. Next, the camera scales the coach from bottom to top, using a low camera angle that enhances him and makes him seem like a god. Next, he is immediately on the far right edge of the scene, indicating positivity. Tracking the players again, one gets up and moves slowly toward camera, pumping up the scene even more showing the emotional impact the words the coach is saying. The final part on the scene shows the sign on the outside of the locker room door again as the players run slow motion out, very very pumped up for the rest of their game.
  2. The dialogue of the coach in the beginning of the speech is very slow, deliberate, low volume. He does this to get into the speech, slowly, a bit at a time. He pauses a couple seconds after he makes each statement to let his words sink in a little to the players and take its desired effects. In the beginning, there is subtle music on in the background, very low volume as to let the words take dominance over this part of the scene. He gives his players two options, emphasizing the word OR in between so that they know that the second option is the obvious right one. As his speech gets more personal, the volume and pace of the music increases so as to enhance the pain of the coach as he reveals his life to his players. As he gets more into the most important part of his speech, the inches we get in life and football, his speech gets more excited, louder. He emphasizes words like FIGHT, PIECES, CLAW, to emphasize the point he’s trying to get across about the players will have to truly battle for this game. He compares winning versus losing and living versus dying. This comparison enhances the similarity between the two and that you must fight for everything. Final dialogue he states that they will either fight as a team, in a very loud and excited tone, or die as individuals, which is very soft and low, indicating again the comparison between life and death and motivating his players to battle.
  3. I noticed that when there were pauses in the dialogue, the camera tracked the faces of the players and the other coaches. When the coach was talking about tearing, fighting, clawing, the players were getting really excited, clapping, pumping their arms, jumping around. They were getting antsy and getting anxious and eager to play.

Overall, I thought the key elements of this scene were the pacing of the dialogue, the emphasize of certain words in the dialogue, the camera angles and placement of the coach. The pacing of the dialogue did a great job to build the story and to build the emotions of all of the characters involved. The emphasis of certain words really enhanced the emotions and points of the coach. The camera angle from bottom to up made the coach seem like a god, very important and the movement of him from the left side to the right side from the beginning to end of the scene built up the importance of the coach and the speech he was making to his players.

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