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2 Assignment Ideas

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It was fun to think of two different assignment ideas.  Though it was hard to think of new ideas that weren’t already thought of.  I decided to create a visual assignment and a design assignment.  I really enjoyed both of those units during this semester.  I have always enjoyed changing the way a photo looks.  I’m interested in all the photo editing programs that are out there, and I like how there are so many ways to make a photo look completely different from the original one taken.

1. From Dark to Light or Light to Dark: This assignment is about editing a picture that is taken in the dark or in the light to make it look like it’s taken in the light or dark, depending on the brightness of your original photo.  This assignment is intended to be easy and fun to do.

2. What I did when I was Younger: This assignment is about adding design to a childhood picture of you with friends or family.  It can also be just of you.  This assignment is intended for you to be creative in design work and to have fun with it.

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