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Disney’s Star Wars IV: A New Hope (in 3D!)

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In the assignment Mashup Those Movies, we were required to make a movie poster out of several different movies posters. A few ideas went though my head at first. I wanted to do something with Star Wars in it was the main thing. Therefore, I started with the iconic Star Wars IV: A New Hope poster shown here. A new hope poster
I had a mixture of Harry Potter images in the poster at first, with some Pirates of the Caribbean things, and while I was editing the Pirates of the Caribbean Poster, it dawned on me that I could make fun with the Disney buyout of Lucas Arts. Searching through the Google Images search “Disney movie posters” I saw the Wall-E Poster shown here.walle-poster
I also saw many new posters that ran with the 3D craze we have experienced lately, and I knew I wanted to add the Disney logo somewhere too. Both issues were solved with the Monster’s Inc. poster shown here, because of the way the logo is used with the 3D.Monsters-Inc-3D
Finally, I wanted to make the poster a little more silly by adding pictures of flying characters from Disney movies, thus Peter Pan and Buzz Lightyear holding Woody were added to the X-Wing cluster in the bottom right. The result is the hilarious Disney’s Star Wars IV: A New Hope 3D. I hope everyone is as excited as I am to see it.

Star Wars Disney

I should note that as a big Star Wars’ fan, I am really excited to see what Disney produces for the Star Wars fans. I grew up on the original trilogy even though it was before my time, and was extremely let down by Star Wars Episode 1: Phantom Menace. Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones was alright I thought, and Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith was the far best of the newest trilogy. That being said, I thought that Lucas Arts could have done a better job with the newest trilogy. I don’t believe that Disney is going to glam up Star Wars and make it silly etc. This is because I am also a huge fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean series (shocker right?). Pirates of the Caribbean is a Disney series, but Disney does a great job in those films distancing themselves from the Disney movie stereotype. I have full faith in Disney that they will produce an outstanding new trilogy and I look forward to seeing them.

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