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  1. capnmarkish

    Thesis Time!

    During the Beijing Olympics hosted by China in 2008, the United States’ media speculated about many cases a fraud by the Chinese athletes. This paper aims to analyze the claims made by the media through both United States and Chinese … Continue reading
  2. capnmarkish

    Source for my paper

    by Above is a link to an article on China Daily. The article has very little to report, but what it says is huge for what I intend my research project to show. One thing I like in particular about … Continue reading
  3. capnmarkish

    Week 10 Summary

    When watching the video editing clips assigned this week, I realized a really good thesis for this course. In this video, the narrator spoke about how cinema was an invention without a future, and it wasn’t until cinematographers discovered that … Continue reading
  4. capnmarkish

    Matrix Editing

    The Matrix is a Sci-Fi/ Action film, because of the fighting, high energy, and stunts performed, as well as unknown to real life forces that the characters have to face.

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