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Week 15

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It so hard to say goodbye, it seems like only yesterday I was just starting DS106.  I have to say that this was my favorite and least stressful class that I chose to take this semester.  I am so glad that I was able to take this course and learn so much from it.  I first want to start off by thanking you for making this class fun and encouraging me to do my best work.  I wish that all professors were so laid back and responsive as you.  I have to say that I was taken back today and really distracted from the shootings that took place today and all those innocent children were killed.  I dropped everything that I was doing today and went and picked my son up from daycare so that I could just hold him in my arms and kiss him nonstop.  It really put things into perspective for me and how you must make the most out of everyday because you never know when it will be your last.

My final project means a lot to me because it is about my son and my nephew.  It was very fun to make but also challenging trying to incorporate a two-year old into the project and he has just learned how to stick his tongue out on camera or when every-time he knows you are recording he pops up in the screen.  I think that the most challenging thing was just to make sure that I had the time to edit everything and chose the right assignment ideas that would mesh together really well. It took a lot of late nights to complete this assignment and I hope that when people see this they get out of the assignment a story and an interesting tale.

Looking at my blog from week three I can’t help but laugh because of how my perception and understanding of Digital Storytelling has changed and grown each week.  It is kind of like finding a box of letters you used to write your friends in middle school and seeing how different things were important that you would dream of letting occupy your time now lol!  I now see Digital Story telling as a way to relay a story and take advantage of all your audiences senses that you can through the use of technology.  It’s the paying attention to the little details bright colors, word choice, visual aids, sounds, anything that your mind can create to capture your audience’s attention and tell your story.  Here is the link from my post from week 3 Is the link to view the assignments, tutorials, and daily create ideas that I submitted and an example of each of them.  It was a hard task to do because before I submitted all the items I was afraid that they would be stupid.  I don’t want to sound repetitive in what I am saying about this task so click the link above to check out my work and please provide me your feedback

The best work category was fun to do because it gave me a chance to look back over all the assignments that we did and see how far I have come.  It even gave me a chance to see tasks that I forgot that I had even did because it seems like this semester flew by so fast.  I guess it is true time flies when you’re having fun!!!! I chose the works for different reasons one is obvious the most are going to be when I was able to incorporate my son in the assignment like the reenactment of the viral video and the splash of color assignment.  I always wanted to know how people made everything sound like the chipmunks so when I was able to do that I was especially proud.

Advice to Future Students: Do not and I repeat do not wait to the last-minute to do the assignments.  I tried to do a lot of work at my job and a lot of the sites were blocked so i feel that it was not my best work all the time because I was not able to access site that might have made things a lot easier for me.  Waiting to the last-minute does not allow you time for mistakes i.e. sites going down, sickness, or anything else.  Take this class just as serious as your other courses just because you don’t have to go to a physical classroom you should still put the same time and effort into this course as well and I promise it will be rewarding! Good Luck!!!!!




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