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A Week In Review 1/13-1/20

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The first full week has been a good one. I feel like I’m starting to get a hang of the blogoshpere. I think I’m going to start getting more creative with my posts as I learn more about editing and design. The daily creates have been very fun to do… I’m a fan. I look forward to doing more of them as my inner artist reveals itself. I found the responses to be a little more difficult, especially finding a theme to discuss. As of now I’ve just been finding a certain aspect of the video/article etc. and talking about it but I want to get better at finding overarching themes. I ran into some technical difficulties with the video post but I’m pretty sure I’ve figured it out and look forward to speaking in front of the camera more. My biggest area of improvement would definitely be commenting on classmate’s blogs. I will make more of an effort to see everybody’s work and share my opinion.
Until next week,

1/14/2013 What Is Web 2.0 Response : I offer a summary of Tim O’Reilly’s “What is Web2.0”

1/15/2013 Daily Create #1 : My first daily create. I take a picture of my favorite work spot… my bed

1/15/2013 “How Creativity is Being Strangled by the Law” Response  : I respond to Larry Lessig’s TED Talk and offer my opinion on free music

1/19/2013 Daily Create : I draw my earliest memory

1/19/2013 Daily Create : I take a picture of my favorite thing to do… eat good mexican food

1/20/2013 Introduction : In this short video I re-introduce myself to the class

1/20/2013 Michael Wesch “A Vision of Students Today” Response : I respond to Wesch’s “A Vision of Students Today” video

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