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Daily Create

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Daily Create 1/30/13: Finish the sentence. “My biggest fear is…” What is the story of overcoming this?

My biggest fear is heights. People often think that’s funny because I’m really tall, and I’ve had people ask if I’m scared when I stand up. I hate balconies. If I’m in a building with an open atrium, I won’t go near the edge on any level above 2. I don’t even like looking down when in an elevator with glass windows, and I always stay near the wall when climbing in stair wells. Overcoming this irrational fear requires not getting into my own head – knowing that on roller coasters, I’m strapped in and not going to fall out of the car at the top. And remembering that realistically, I’m not going to fall off the top of the Empire State Building. Maybe one day I’ll be brave enough to sit in the glass cube of the Willis Tower in Chicago. Maybe.

CC flickr daveynin

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