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Okay, I chose to embed these 3 daily create photos.

1. Broken Crayons– This is a photo that I found unique and funny. It is very different from what most of my other classmates posted.



2. Valentines– This is a cute photo of 2 fingers hugging each other, I chose it because it’s only appropriate. This is the month of “Love”.


3. Graffiti– This a photo I took last summer, I child of mine in my summer camp drew it. I miss those children so I posted it.

Blackberry 026

4. Argh– This photo is simple. I’m frustrated! It took me awhile to figure out how to complete this whole process and it took me awhile to work wordpress. I thought I was more computer savvy, I guess not.


My knowledge of wordpress is slowly developing. This setup reminds me of Tumblr,com. WordPress has a similar interface and customization layout. Also, it took me a longgggg time to log into That was the most frustrating part of this assignment. I’m not even sure if I’m logged in correctly or doing this assignment correctly, but I’m trying very hard. Tags were easy, daily create is simple and its nice to look and see what my other classmates have posted. I’m not sure on how to link my accounts to wordpress but after this post I’ll try and figure things out. I’m looking forward to having a better understanding of these online applications. With more practice it will become muscle memory for me to customize my site and I won’t have to struggle every few minutes when doing so.

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