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Open Book…errr…Flower

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Splash the Color: 3 stars 

These are some of my favorite photographs.  I love how the “splash” of color POPS out because of the black and white background.  I took a lot of different photos when doing this assignment.  A first I thought I wanted to use people, but after a while I thought nature would be a good medium.

I load my pictures onto picasa3 and started playing around with the black and white editing as well as the color.  I took me a while to decide which part of the picture I wanted to splash let alone which picture to use.  I would recommend having an idea in mind while taking pictures instead of while editing.  I think things would have gone faster and more smoothly.

I really like how my photo turned out.  Not only does the color pop out but the way the flower is open straight on adds even more of a pop factor.  It shows Spring as well as openness and beauty.

Splash O' Color

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