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Headless Radio Shows

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cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo shared by Evans Archive

The class has no teacher, no registered students, but ds106 open participants of Fall 2013 have been working hard to have their radio show projects premiere live on ds106 radio. We hope you join us Tuesday October 22, from 9:00pm-1:00am EST (check your local time) on the ds106 radio station – tune in to the broadcast via the web player or directly to the stream.

Your hosts for the evening and Christina Hendricks and Alan Levine. Representatives from the teams will be calling in to the station so we can learn more from them about their show and what went in to making it.

Show some support to the teams by listening in and tweeting us your questions and comments. Here’s the lineup… After the premiere you will find archived copirs of their show here

The Merry Pranksters “Hack The World” With host Kevin (@dogtrax)


Pre Show Discussion
“Hack The World” (22:53)
Post Show Discussion

by Kevin (@dogtrax), Lara (@raccooncity), Stefanie (@StefanieJ2), and Sally (@swilson416)

The 3T’s radio group: “ds106, Shrinking the Big Questions” with host Mariana (@mdvfunes)


Pre Show Discussion
“ds106, Shrinking the Big Questions” (36:30)
Post Show Discussion

by Mariana (@mdvfunes), Jess (@jess_theobscure), Rhonda (@rljessen), Christina (@clhendricksbc), Karen (@karenatsharon), and IamTalkyTina (@iamTalkyTina)

The JunioRS group: “Spinning Round” with host Seth (@GoodmanSeth)

Spinning Round - the JunioRS

Pre Show Discussion
“Spinning Round” (14:10)
Post Show Discussion

by Rochelle (@rockylou22), John (@johnjohnston), and Seth (@GoodmanSeth)

Dusky Path of a Dream team: “Dream Scape 106” with host Sandy (@sandramardene)


Pre Show Discussion
“Dream Scape 106” (32:13)
Post Show Discussion

by Sandy (@sandramardene), Hayfa (@haymajd), and Keren (@msbetsymcall)


  1. Kevin Hodgson

    October 24, 2013

    Thanks for allowing us a chance to be on the radio of the world!

  2. Hayfa Majdoub

    October 25, 2013

    The radio show experience made me “grow up” , thanks for your voicing our dreams to the world!

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  1. Headless ds106 Jumps… the Greek Donkeys Carrying Computers - CogDogBlog10-21-13
  2. On the (DS106) Radio: Hack the World « Kevin's Meandering Mind10-24-13
  3. The New Kings (& Queens, Princesses, Dolls) of #ds106radio - CogDogBlog10-24-13
  4. Spinning Yarns for DS106 Radio | Rockylou Productions DS106 Blog10-25-13
  5. Radio gaga | jesstheobscure10-27-13
  6. DS106 is #4Life AND #4Work | Rockylou Productions DS106 Blog11-02-13
  7. Dream Scape 106 Radio Show_ the Backstage | Lifelong Learner11-06-13
  8. Headless ds106ers, Stand Proudly! Some Disjointed Thoughts and Puny Data - CogDogBlog12-18-13
  9. Working virtually: Treat each thing as if it were alive | doublemirror02-13-14
  10. Working virtually: Treat each thing as if it were alive – Notes from the Middle03-04-17
  11. On the (DS106) Radio: Hack the World04-02-19

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