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Every morning I walk by a Little Free Library where books are offered and shared for free in a small container that looks like a schoolhouse.  I sometimes monitor the book exchange and see what books come and go.  Who reads that much Dr. Phil McGraw?  The intrigue is that the book exchange is anonymous, and creates a link and a resource.  The bookshelves are never empty– evidently people really do share.

Though it’s not nearly as charming, Diigo offers a space for researchers to not only organize their personal library, but to build a vast community of researchers and knowledge for their personal learning network (PLN).  It’s collaborative research, it’s collaborative learning. With sticky notes!

In the development of the online CEnR course, what better tool to organize and share the course library. Sort of like a tool-lending library, too! We dig diigo.  Please collaborate and share your library with us. Take a book, leave a book!

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