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Sharknado IV

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Don’t you hate in when you go to the beach with your family, and everyone gets bit by a shark. Yeah me too. I remember a day when this didn’t happen, it wasn’t even that long ago, maybe it was even yesterday… Now everyone knows climate change is bad, but how bad? Shark bad. If you thought that people were concerned about climate change before, then you are in for a big surprise.

As soon as the sharks started falling from the sky, that’s when we knew we had to stop. We had to stop the what we had done. Every being in the universe asked in unison “Has science gone to far?”, and the sharks answered “AHDFHASFDHSDFASDF”. Now we go to our top laypeople scientists on this subject:

If my sound cloud embedding failed, the direct link is here. The assignment was to read aloud a conversation that occurred on social media. I chose to use one of my facebook friends, he never fails to amuse me with his serious facebook posts.

The actual construct of the audio actually took longer than I thought, and it was mostly because I didn’t see some of the comments, so I had to record some of the other comments and then move some stuff around and then insert them back into the correct locations. This process took awhile.

So I would record a comment using Audacity, and then go down a track and then record the next one. This worked well, but between tracks I kept getting a clicking sound. I ended up adding a fade in and a fade out at the start and end of each recording respectively. In this way the transitions, became seamless. The only problem I really encountered was at the start of the audio there is this kind of buzzing sound, I couldn’t figure out what was causing it, it does not appear in the waveform itself, and it is not heard when playing back in Audacity, so I think it is a product of the compression algorithm used when converting it into the MP3 format. Very strange!


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