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Man oh man! I love the smell of Non-Euclidean geometry in the morning. Last semester I did a directed study in Differential Geometry, it was a lot of fun! The worst best part of the whole course was dealing with the Non-Euclidean surfaces, namely the Poincaré upper half plane. I remember having to prove that the linear connection for that geometry is always zero (or something like that). It was terribly hard, I spent probably like two weeks doing that, all day and night, however now that I am through the worst of it! I can sit back and relax, and look at cool tilings:


Look how it blends! Amazing. This was the perfect daily create. I really think I am in love. The tool  used to create my master piece was very simple to use, but most importantly the math behind it was explained! I think that is a very awesome thing. Too often people see the beauty of mathematics (think Mandelbrot set) however they have no idea about how the math actually works… :(

As for the process of creating my work, my first idea was to create one using Poincaré, however that proved to be very unoriginal because on the very site they already did that one… So I decide to use the icon I have been using. I drew that picture as a joke bake in highschool, and it became the mascot for the boat I used to coxswain. Everyone had matching shirts, with the drawing I made… pretty cool feeling. Anyway I thought it would be an interesting image because it is something I created, and I thought it would be cool to see how all of the lines blended together. I really like how it turned out!

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