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Weekly Summary #3

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This week’s assignments were: What is storytelling?, Analyze a movie or book using Vonnegut’s Shape of Stories and give a digital story example, Review a student project, Tell a story with photos and give a reflection, Comment on blogs, and last, but not least, do four daily creates.

For the What is storytelling assignment, I talked about how my grandfather told me his various wars stories and how storytelling gives me a warm feeling of being with your loved in the place you call home. I also talked about how inserting the word “digital” in front of storytelling basically changed storytelling because of all they different tools you now have to create story. Being able to master those tools can really help someone who is preparing to go into the field that is Digital Studies or Media Studies.

I analyzed The Lion King for my Vonnegut assignment and I decided to create a model for that represented Simba’s emotions throughout the movie. As you can see below, I ended up getting a model very similar to Vonnegut’s and that made me realize how a lot of stories are like that . For this assignment, I also had to chose some that could be a digital story. I chose a video that was an animation of a webseries called, Game Grumps. This animation retells a section of an episode with the artist’s own touch and vision. Since the viewers of the webseries don’t see the face of the Game Grumps, they have to imagine for themselves what is going on during their shenanigans and this video is what the artist thinks what is happening behind the scenes.

Lion King Vonnegut

For the review assignment, I looked at Emily May’s 3000 Miles in 30 seconds(ish). This digital story helped me understand what is considered a digital story and how you can tell one. There were barely any words in the video, but that was not needed. The images alone replicated her feelings of excitement throughout the long trip.

The Five Frame Story and Reflection were fun assignments and I look forward to future assignments that involve photos.

I managed to comment on five other blogs this week and then reply to a few comments on my blog. It was nice to see all the wonderful media that my classmates came up with. Seeing all the different methods they used to complete their assignments allows me to have more tools in creating digital media like GIFs.

Here are my daily creates for this week:

I really enjoyed doing all of the daily creates that I chose this week. My weakest would have to be the Collaborative Poetry daily create or the Reservoir Logs one. I say the poetry one because poetry isn’t my strong suit, but a collaborative poem seemed like a lot of fun and I love the idea of working together with others from around the world. I mentioned the Reservoir Logs daily create because I jumped the gun on it. I changed a few letters instead of just one. Drawing a picture of The Lying King seemed like a great idea, so I decided to create it. The image also had a double meaning and that made me smile.  It was fun creating a GIF for Kelsey and adding text to an image of a dolphin and a crab.

To conclude, I would like to say I am loving ds106. This past week was really good and so was the one before. I find it fun to blog everyday about creating various stories and media with digital tools that I use. I don’t think I really need help with anything, but I don’t mind helping my other classmates. I can’t wait for this upcoming week’s challenges!

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