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Radio Show Contribution/Reflection

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The radio show project was a blast. I got to meet some of my wonderful classmates and have a great time bouncing ideas off of each other and utilize each person’s particular strengths. We met in person 2 times to complete our project successfully.

The group came up with the idea for our show using our own twitter has tag #ADAAM using the first letters of our names, that transformed into our group name. We decided on a halloween/ autumn theme with stories, music , and health and safety tips. I think deciding what we wanted to do as a group was the hardest part for us. My contribution consisted of a sort of funny love Halloween story, and a radio bumper. I used audacity to record my story then include sound effects to give it an extra umph! I choose to do the love/funny story because I love listening to funny  stories on the radio and thought it would be fun to do that along with sound effects.

Our last meeting we edited our parts, put them together, and did a group intro to include all of the DJs in one sound clip!

Initially, all of the audio work overwhelmed me. I was not comfortable at all working in audacity or editing audio clips. But, now after several weeks working on our radio show and doing the audio assignments. I find audio editing to be way easier for me than visual or design work. I have a feel for how the music and clips should flow together now. Its quite exhilarating being able to do some of the things in audacity that you thought were impossible at the start!

Come Listen to our show on the DS106 radio at 9-930!

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