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  1. dlefew

    Final Week Summary

    Final Project: This project was special as I morphed it into something that really brought back many great memories. I morphed my project into a story about a certain rednosed reindeer. There were really no surmountable tasks in this project as … Continue reading
  2. dlefew

    What is a remix?

    Concepts: I first started this assignment by watch the book trailer about the steal like an artist book. This book highlights what creativity is in our lives. It takes and interesting stance with the main point being how we are … Continue reading
  3. dlefew

    Live here

    This video was to convince future residents to come live in Mason. It was too late for it to be submitted to the contest, but I wanted to go ahead and make the video showing how awesome a place mason … Continue reading
  4. dlefew

    Weekly Summary 10

    The tools of the trade. This week we began our adventure into video work! My main tools will be Audacity, MPEG stream,  Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD (Preferred), and Windows Movie Maker. I have a little experience with making photo … Continue reading
  5. dlefew

    Daily Creates

    What unusual thing do you keep in your Wallet? Well my wallet I do not have a really unusual thing in my opinion  But as told by friends, being a member of the professional disc golf association is unusual enough as it is. This … Continue reading
  6. dlefew

    Reading Movies and Look,Listen, Analyze

    Reading Movie Videos Watched: Hitchcock loves Bikinis- brilliant demonstration of using film cuts Star Wars Continuity Mistakes Kubrick // One-Point Perspective Top 20 Cinematic Techniques Tarantino // from Below Notes from no sound view: The constant camera motion and cutting … Continue reading
  7. dlefew

    UMW Watch

    This assignment was difficult. It took me several tries and lots of time messing with the website to get it to come out even close to readable. I used Hack Saurauses x-ray goggles on the Market Watch website to tell … Continue reading

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