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Switched at Birth

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After listening to the episode of Switched at Birth (  on This American Life was very interesting.  The storytelling aspect through the radio medium made for it to be kind of confusing to follow because of all the different women’s voices being used to convey the story (Sue, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. McDonald, Marty).  The different sound effects used as transitions was effective to switch speakers, rather than just have one person stop and another start.

After reading Radio, An Illustrated Guide, I could really hear the changes in the interviewer’s and interviewee’s voices.  The added drama from the anecdotes that cause the story to continue adding suspense was interesting played within the American Life story.  The sounds used in between helped myself comprehend and grasp what the interviewee’s had said about their lives of being switched at birth.

It’s also interesting to think about the story itself, how the girls were resembling their real families although being raised by another family.  The Marty talked much like her mother even though she had never been around her.  Marty’s two sisters went to Sue’s church to see if Sue actually did look like one of their sisters, and she even walked like one of their other sisters.

Marty felt like she was being pushed away because the Miller’s had always known that Sue was their daughter.  Sue was also raised by the McDonald’s who felt a loyalty to Sue because she had been raised by them for years.  So Marty felt like Sue had gained love from both families and had pushed her away.

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