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And so am I (I think)

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Now, itā€™s time to recap my own work for the last couple of weeks.

I started off the DailyShoots pretty strong, I thought, but there were lots of ups and downs. Some of it didnā€™t turn out quite like I wanted, while others were just sort of crappy ā€œIā€™m going to do this at the last minute on my own, man this sucksā€ sorts of pictures. My favorite picture, and probably the thing Iā€™ve worked so far that I liked the most, was this creepy lilā€™ gem:


Itā€™s a picture of a wall outlet. Itā€™s just an ordinary electrical plug. But through the magic of a ā€œIā€™m not sure what Iā€™m doing with this camera why wonā€™t it FREAKING WORK WHY IS EVERYTHING SO BRIGHT oh cool, this looks dementedā€ moment, it actually turned into something that I think is really neat.Ā  Thereā€™s just something rather haunting about it.

I did the other two assignments, and while I liked the playlist poetry one, I thought this was a lot more fun:

And honestly, those are really the only things I want to make a specific call-out to. Most of my other stuff isnā€™t bad ā€” I think several of my other pictures are actually quite good ā€” but these are the ones I liked the most. (And thereā€™s an archive feature, if youā€™re still curious!) Overall, the first part of the semester was quite a lot of fun.

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