To those considering taking the DS106 class:
If you are going to take this class be prepared to step outside of your technological comfort zone. You won’t just be exploring one type of media, but rather all sorts of faucets for storytelling in this increasingly digital world. So being at least somewhat familiar with the technology that is presented to you in the class will be of immense help to you.
Other than that the biggest recommendation I can give to prospective students is to be prepared to pay attention. The way this class is organized – meeting one time a week – there is a lot of ground that needs to be covered and with each week comes a new slew of assignments which need to be completed. Unlike the classes that use Blackboard, announcements made on the site will NOT be automatically emailed to you. You have to get in the habit of checking and keeping up with the activities of the class. With all the little side activities we did, such as commenting and the collective, it can be really easy to forget about assignments or get lost or overwhelmed. So for your own sake: pay attention. If you do that and are open to the assignments that come your way rather than being immature, bitter, and resentful, then you will have a good experience.
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