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Widget you had my widgets?

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I’ve gone widget crazy.

I love widgets.  They breathe new life and functionality into a once plain jane webpage.  I now have three lastfm widgets, a twitter widget, a flickr widget, akismet, and google analytics.

I’m finding that I need a LOT of api keys for all of these apps.  I’m also getting a bit confuddle by all the different locations of these plugins.  Are you in widgets or in settings?  HOW DO I GET TO EDIT YOU?  But it’s really not that bad and it’s good for me to try and figure out these problems on my own.

However, now I have this question to ask myself: where do you stop?
There’s so much functionality within wordpress and websites like it.  Apps, plugins, add-ons; these tools can be great.  But they have to be utilized correctly.  I am taken back to the old days of myspace, where kids would throw every glittery gif they could find on their page.  I feel as if I might be over doing it with all my snappy add-ons.


But I recognize the functionality, of course.  I see how a flickr widget, especially for this class, could be very convenient.  But where does the convenience stop?


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