There is more to Ms. Oblivion than meets the eye. She obviously has some technical knowledge if she can keep hijacking the stream. She does not, however, know the power of the *nix Side. All we need to do is flood ping her machines, and no more hijacking >:)
I’d rather not take a crack at these cryptic messages from the good doctor. My brain has been scrambled by VB and repetitive copy/paste actions.
I’m not sure of what to make of the whole “exquisite” thing. I don’t really care for fancy image editing processes. I prefer simplicity through GIMP and MS Paint/GNU Paint. However, layering images to create unique collages is an interesting, if painstaking, undertaking.
I like the idea of combining concepts from other courses into ds106. Our course is free-flowing and decentralized. While that completely runs against every traditional things I stand for, I think it’s cool.
End transmission.
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