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Pokemon Card (3 Stars)

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For this one I started by taking a picture of an actual Pokemon card. Yes, I still have mine. So I used one that had evolved so I could put a picture of me as baby in that space. That wasn’t too hard. Then I put in a main picture. Once that done, both were kind of overlapping on the evolved circle design. To fix this I merged all three layers together (the card, and the two pictures). Then I opened another copy of the original card, and using the clone tool I “redrew” the evolved circle design on top of the pictures of me.

Then I had to erase the attacks. To do this I used the clone tool on a section of the card’s background and tried to paintbrush out the original words. Then I tried smudging that with the smudge tool. Admittedly, this had moderate success. You can kind of see the new paint under the second attack’s words, but worked ok for the first attack and the name.

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