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I Wish Upon a Fat Cat

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Fat Cats make art better especially on a starry night. This famous artwork by Vincent Van Gogh was mildly improved with a touch of a fat cat.Ā I used Van Gogh, because as I Googled for famous art pieces I seen a lot of Van Gogh’s pieces with Homer Simpson Photo-Shopped into them.

For this process, which only took me 15 minutes to do, I first made sure both pieces (Van Gogh and the fat cat) were saved onto my computer and were easily accessible. Then with the use of Photo-Shop I placed Van Gogh as the background piece. I then opened a new project in Photo-Shop and placed the cat in that new project. I cropped the extra space and I then copy and paste the new cropped fat cat into the Van Gogh project. I erased the background of the fat cat so it can blend in and look like it belonged. My last step was placement; I placed the fat cat where the sun was so itĀ appearedĀ as the cat was looking down onto the starry night.

It seems like a lot of work, but once you get the hang of Photo-Shop it’s pretty easy. This assignment was worth 2 stars.



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