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My Daily Creates: TDC 47, 49, 50

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For Daily Create 47, you had to take a picture of your favorite color. My favorite color is purple, so that night I came across my cousins kiddie nail polish, and I was bored so I painted my thumb purple. After it dried, it came off with one single peal. Sighs… it was good while it lasted.

For Daily Create 49, was to take a picture of your favorite kind of weather. I love sunny days, because my day goes so well and my attitude is 20 times more positive than it is on a rainy day. I’m more active and I get more done on a sunny day.

For Daily Create 50,you had to take a picture of your favorite scent or as scent you love. For Valentine’s Day, my boyfriend got me red velvet cupcakes and a chocolate scented teddy bear. I love my teddy bear and the smell isn’t an annoying scent, it’s very light and sweet.

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