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Thoughts on Web 2.0

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I’m pretty new to this whole blogging, RSS thing. This in fact is my first blog site, and even over the past 6 or 7 years of having either Facebook, or MySpace back in the day, I never really wrote much on those site. I’
ve just never been big on the whole posting updates ever hour, or even every day. there are times still when I look at my Facebook status and it will say its “87 days old”, or something ridiculous like that.

This class is kinda forcing me to experiment with these ideas though, and I’m ok with that. I do like the idea of someday beeing able to see, and make available for others to see, the updates and time line of my MG project. I like the idea of finding others who have common interests as me, and not having to click on the URL every single day to see their updates.

So, I will keep experimenting with RSS, I’m still going through trying to group the 2 sections separately. Once that is done, I think it will be much easier to get online and comment more on others entries.

My other thought from these articles was on GIS. This, to me, is a fascinating field, with almost endless directions in which one could go. I uses ESRI’s site almost daily for my GIS assignments. Not only can someone go and access pre-made maps, but those who are interested, and have the ArcGIS software, can download online maps, and use them as templates. This is an awesome way to create and design, and not only can you draw from others work, but you can upload your own maps for people to do the same.

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