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Farewell… My Final Project & First Update

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As we all know the semester is wrapping up and final projects are kicking in. For CT 101… my final project is to expand on something I already did and I thought to myself “hmmm what shall I do?” I wanted to expand on my video analysis, but I said “eghhhh I want to do something that didn’t make my blog.” I decided to do a mash up..After seeing the movie The Avengers… I said I will do a mash up of some of the  Marvel characters: The Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor… Instead of doing 5 seconds scenes… I want to 20 seconds and at least 10 to 15 scenes.




Same Day Update:

After talking to my professor… I decided to do the faithful moments of super heroes… the moment leading up to their skills, talents, strengths, and the reason why they are SUPER HEROOOOOOOES… I will keep the seconds short though… but get at least a dozen clips

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