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Between the years

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from the book Blend 37 – Pippa Bow

Pippa arrived at her Belgrave apartment. She knocked at her neighbor’s door. Tess, her neighbor opened.

“Oh, Pippa, Merry Christmas, you are back, that’s great!” Tess looked at Pippa but she did not seem very happy.

“Hey, how are you, do you want to come over and we have a chat and a glass of vine?” Pippa asks.

“Oh, yes, or maybe two, you won’t believe what happened. Ryan and I broke up.” Tess tells upset.

“Oh, no, seriously? Come over, you got to tell me, what happened!” 

Two hours later Pippa and Tess are sitting on Pippa’s sofa, an empty bottle vine and a pizza box left with one slice are on the table.

 “Yes, who is Ryan anyway!” Tess rustles, now shamelessness. Tess had told the whole story how Ryan has cheated on her all the time of their three year’s long relationship. Which also explained why he did not show much interest in Brenda’s effort to get a child. After she had lost her six-months pregnancy in a car accident when she was on a summer holiday with Ryan. he had often found reasons, why he would not make it for the weekend. He always had found an excuse why he had no time. Now she had found out the real reason, another woman, and which was actually laying in Tess’s bed when she had returned earlier from her Christmas break which she had spent with her parents in Madrid. Tess was heavily disappointed as she was at the end of her thirty’s and she had put so much hope in this relationship but obviously she was just a comfort zone for this guy in a popular city making the guy’s lifestyle easy. So best she could do now was to forget about Ryan, he was just not the man for a relationship and family planning.

Tess and Pippa were now spinning alternative options about a 39-year old single female who wanted a child but without a men showing up on the sphere. They were running through plans from “Made in Mallorca” which was a clinic specialized on fertilization, to going back to her ex-boyfriend who would just wait for her to come back but which would be the next drama as there was a reason why she had left him. The night ended with the idea that Tess would throw herself back into the dating market. The two were scrolling through the internet for the best dating site options in town, creating a new profile on one of the most popular dating apps. Just an hour later the first hearts were flying in and Tess had arranged already two dates for the forthcoming week.

While Pippa was looking for some extra income and had applied for some online design jobs she had closed the deal for two projects for an event agency and would be busy for the days up to New Yea’s Eve with some designs.

New Beginnings

A week had passed. Pippa had worked all week on the designs for an event agency who had planned a massive opening party in spring.

To be continued…

Read the full story here Blend 37 – Pippa Bow

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