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I Make Music, Not Album Covers

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This one baffled me a bit.  I feel like maybe I’ll have to take this down before long.  Is there something wrong with this assignment page itself?

The assignment here was to make an album cover, finding your band name, album name, and base cover photo by way of random url generators on wikipedia, flickr, and a quotations page – total assignment worth 2 stars.

This was all fine and dandy, till I got to flickr, and every time I loaded the generator, the photos provided were ‘All Rights Reserved.’  Now what?

So I created this by cropping the flickr image and opening it in GIMP, and adding the band name and album name using that.  Easy-peasy.  But I don’t feel good about it.  Does the assignment itself need review?  Or is there something I missed?  My apologies if I have offended – I’ll change it if necessary.  I have no intentions of stealing anyone’s work here, in particular not this guy’s.  But for now, here is the assignment, completed as instructed.

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