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My Heart Stops (The Big Hip Hop Design Project)

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After a rather unsuccessful attempt at making a minimalist movie poster — if I finish it, I’ll definitely post it anyway — I decided to do a different design assignment. I started by just looking through all the pictures the Big Picture  had. I found a couple that I liked, but when I saw this one, I knew it was the one I wanted to use: it just made me laugh out loud just looking at it. Of course, I needed to find lyrics to put on the image, so I googled top 100 and looked through what people are listening to these days. It took awhile, but eventually I decided on what to use:

Unedited image credit: FRED DUFOUR/AFP/Getty Images, via's "The Big Picture."

I think it turned out fairly well. I’m a little bit undecided about the font — I’ve looked through dafont and what I have on my computer, but I didn’t see much that would work better, but I’m sure there’s a better option. (If someone has a suggestion, let me know in the comments!) And I actually like the words and the image together; the meaning is totally different from what’s in the song, yet it definitely fits what I think I’d be feeling if I were that guy.

Then again, maybe not. If you’re the kind of person to face down riot police with nothing but a breadgun and a casually drooping cigarette, maybe it’s not so scary.

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