Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Ashley Keough

    Digitize Yourself Right

    The world is constantly changing. It’s sometimes hard to keep up with this technological world where digital media has gone viral and know how to navigate through this new world. However, once you know the steps to how to become the very best digital citizen you can be, it becomes a natural way of living … Continue reading »
  2. Ashley Keough

    Information Fluency…Huh?!

    From the title of this post, most of you readers are probably wondering what in the world I’m talking about. I’ll tell you. It’s about the internet and our every day daily relationship with the world-wide web. In order to be fluent in this type of world, one must be able to navigate through the … Continue reading »
  3. Ashley Keough

    ELL Chat

    What an interesting experience! I just participated in an educational twitter chat about ELL’s and it couldn’t have been a more eye-opening experience! I learned so much about what some schools/teachers do with their ELL students and the ways in which their parents can become more involved as well. There were a lot of professional … Continue reading »
  4. Ashley Keough

    Radio Show Reflection–What a Ride!

    This was such an interesting, fun, frustrating, learning experience for my group–Nicole, Emily, Lindsay–and I. We started off by meeting to brainstorm our ideas of what we should do and came up with the theme of “creepers” at Cortland State. Thus, “Cortland Creeper Status Radio” was born! We put together a rough script that way … Continue reading »
  5. Ashley Keough

    2 Realities Through a Window

    For yesterday’s dailycreate, the assignment was to photograph the idea of “windows, gates and doors represent[ing] the liminial state between two realities” ( As I thought about that idea sitting at my desk, I looked out the window and saw the windows that outlook my window. Then I thought that my reality was the academic … Continue reading »
  6. Ashley Keough

    Drama Queen

    For this week’s audio assignment for two stars I chose to read an advertisement in Cosmopolitan magazine in my most dramatic voice. I had a lot of fun with it, although I felt silly recording it and my housemates probably think I’m crazy but it’s all for the creative good! My process 1. Found an … Continue reading »
  7. Ashley Keough

    D for DS106

    So after almost an hour of tedious photoshoping and phone calls between my tech savvy boyfriend, I created this DS106 movie poster inspired by the movie poster V for Vendetta. After finding the perfect picture I went onto photoshop and replaced the bottom with black, clone tooled the tan over the black words to split … Continue reading »
  8. Ashley Keough

    The Pro-Blog Awareness Campaign

    For my second design assignment I attempted to create a propaganda poster about blogging as a Pro-Blog campaign to pair with American’s first amendment. I found this poster in a google search about the most famous propaganda photos during wartime. I felt this poster “spoke” to the common people of America that felt silenced by … Continue reading »
  9. Ashley Keough


    This was my first design assignment for two stars and it was so fun to do! I took a PhotoBooth picture of myself–a program I fell in love with when I first got my mac–and uploaded the photo onto picnik. Then I played around with a few photo effects to create this cartoon-like pencil-sketched version … Continue reading »
  10. Ashley Keough

    A New Twist on Vintage

    I had fun with this assignment…I picked an old not so great photo I took years ago and applied a vintage affect and added a saying I thought fitted the picture in a helvetica font. The assignment was very self explanatory but I think you made it your own by your choice of words to … Continue reading »

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