Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Alan Liddell

    A new life awaits youā€¦ (Design Ass. 1)

    Jim Groom’s Minimalist Film Travel Poster: I’m really into softglow, as you can see. Here’s what I did: I started with a 480×640 black background in the GIMP and grabbed the SF Transrobotics font off of DaFont (there was a Blade Runner font, but that’s too obvious). Then I found a (public domain) PNG of ...
  2. Alan Liddell


    Actually, not crossposting, but just linking you to an entry from my other blog. It’s about DS106 radio, which, if you’re not listening to it or broadcasting on it, you’re wrong. Just read it. If you’re not interested in the Chr...
  3. Alan Liddell

    Donā€™t shortchange the individual

    Today we witnessed what was ostensibly the death of Dr. Barnaby Oblivion, details of which, if you’re reading this at all, can be found in an elsewhere you already know about. What you might not have caught was this, Barnaby’s blog post affirming that he is not, in fact, dead at all. Go check it ...
  4. Alan Liddell

    The world is dangerous

    What’s really going on outside the borders of the kangaroo crossing sign? I submit that, up from the depths, 30 stories high, breathing fire, his head in the sky, GOJIRA has his eye on some tasty, tasty marsupial. Special thanks to Cheryl Colan for proposing this assignment. I really like it. Process: I searched for ...
  5. Alan Liddell

    Common everyday object

    This one was a simple one, since I’m packing up to move to a new place here in the next few days. The assignment was to take an ordinary, everyday object and manipulate the colors. I did this one in one step on the GIMP: Colors>Posterize. I think I picked 5 or 6 colors. Enjoy:
  6. Alan Liddell

    Old avatar

    This was originally a comment on the previous post: Okay, hereā€™s the plan: partially based on feedback, partially based on nostalgia for the personality cult aesthetic I stumbled onto with my video ā€œFor a Better Tomorrow,ā€ I will be switching back to the old one. I had thought by using Fu Manchu that I would ...
  7. Alan Liddell

    New avatar

    I’ve chosen as my new avatar Dr. Fu Manchu, the most evil man the world has ever known. I’m sure you’ve heard of him. And if you haven’t seen the old movies, you might recognize that ugly mug as Christopher Lee.
  8. Alan Liddell

    DailyShoot #584

    Someone please tell me I’m holding these right. That’s how I eat with them and it works for me, but if I’ve just embarrassed myself in front of everyone, at least tell me.
  9. Alan Liddell


    Today’s videos were very much about using digital technology to assist in the education of this upcoming generation (and subsequents) – and by “assist in” I mean “drive”; and by “education” I don’t mean the job training that lots of kids come to college for, but actual, no-shit betterment. That is to say, these guys, ...

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