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  1. Jack Mulrey

    It can stay hidden.

      (see gif info at bottom) This is my last and favorite remix assignment.  The task was to give the “Minimalize Your Philosophy” design assignment an Uncle Bob twist.  Here’s the original, from Can you tell what I added?  … Read More
  2. Jack Mulrey

    Oblivious Sidekick

    This remix assignment involved taking “The Little Caption” design assignment and adding a sidekick.  I chose to edit this submission from I thought the shark really lent itself to a sidekick.  Especially if that sidekick was an oblivious Nemo.  … Read More
  3. Jack Mulrey

    Nike Ad Remix

    The purpose of this assignment was to remix the Free Advertising design assignment with the Mood Swap remix card.  The assignment is exactly what it sounds like: take the mood of a submitted assignment and completely flip it.  I chose … Read More
  4. Jack Mulrey

    Remix 1: Ice Ice Baby

    This assignment remixed the Over-Dramatic Reading audio assignment with the Media Bender remix card.  All this required was taking a submission for the audio assignment and converting it to another form of media.  As I was reading through submissions, I … Read More
  5. Jack Mulrey

    The Beast Feeds

    I went home for Easter, so I took advantage of the opportunity to incorporate my pets into an assignment.  I opted for the 30-second documentary.  I tried to make this feel at least mildly like a clip from the discovery … Read More
  6. Jack Mulrey

    The Beast Feeds

    I went home for Easter, so I took advantage of the opportunity to incorporate my pets into an assignment.  I opted for the 30-second documentary.  I tried to make this feel at least mildly like a clip from the discovery … Read More

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