Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Dametra Lester

    Remix 4: Show Me Therefore Teach Me

    For the Remix 4 assignment I decided to choose the How To Tutorial. I have never made a tutorial or  a video and broadcasting it to the world. So I thought it would be a good opportunity to explore. At least  I know the process of how to record, edit, and upload. My remix 4 ...
  2. Dametra Lester

    Remix 3

    In  ENGL 7741 I am on my third remix. For those new to the blog, remixes are visual, audio, multimodal texts created by an individual with their  own twist.  DS 106 creates or host the Remix projects . So enough of the boring and technical mumbo jumbo. For my remix I chose to do Learning By Design. ...
  3. Dametra Lester

    Death of AutoTune

    The assignment I chose was AutoTune Something. The directions were to take something that is not usually autotuned. So I decided to autotune this southern voice of mines. I had a lot of fun with this assignment although my clip is twenty-two seconds long, hahaha. Back to business I created this recording using the Garage ...
  4. Dametra Lester

    Remix Blackout Poetry

    So this assignment was taken from DS106. This is one of four of my remix assignments on a visual, audio, and film. The assignment is to find an article and blackout the words, and the words remaining (non-blackout words) will read a poem, short s tory, or just whatever.   This assignment was tricky; it was ...
  5. Dametra Lester

    A Little Birdie Named Twitter

    Twitter has been such an influential tool for social and media purposes. Many of our students are in the know about the ins and outs of Twitter, while we are still in hesitation and confusion about the purpose or just simple pondering about what to write in that square box. In chapter 3, Howard Rheingold ...
  6. Dametra Lester

    Power of Participation

    So remember my post entitled “From World Book to Wikipedia“, well I have decided to do another posting of that nature , but an entry associated with pop culture. I  have decided to choose an entry that most of today’s youth can relate to which is Dewayne M. Carter most commonly known as  Lil’ Wayne. ...
  7. Dametra Lester

    From World Book to Wikipedia

    This  next posting is quite different from my previous posts. Since I failed to mention an introduction to my blog, I will provide a brief description in this post.  I started this blog as a requirement  for my English 7741 course at KSU.  In short the course is a technology course within the context of English and ...
  8. Dametra Lester

    Frazzled, Discouraged, & Need Jesus

     It has been awhile since I last blogged. Ok update, well last posting I was discouraged, yet had a positive attitude about my job.  I QUIT. No  I am not proud that I  quit, but  a lady has to do what a lady has to do. So I thought about it long and hard before ...
  9. Dametra Lester

    First Extendend Weekend :)

    So I am trying my best to keep up with blogging consistently. So, if you cannot tell that I am stoked about this weekend, hence the smiley face in the title. This weekend was Labor Day, just relaxing at the house. I will miss my bed dearly tomorrow. While I thought I was going to be out and ...
  10. Dametra Lester

    A Glimpse of Me

    Welcome to Ms. Lester’s Blog! This is my very first post with Word Press (Yes, I am a newbie). Although I am new to WordPress, I am no stranger to words. I am not the best writer, but I definitely  love using words to express the way I am feeling. It is very relaxing. Now to ...

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