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  1. dniepoko

    Myself traced

    Today’s daily create was  fun and interesting. I love silhouettes, I copied a picture and used scissors to cut it out, then pasted it one a contrasting background.
  2. dniepoko

    Empathy Map

                                      Today’s daily create basically sums up my life right now. My room is nice and messy, but my waterfall is running, which helps...
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  3. dniepoko

    Clean Pirates

    For today’s daily create, the pirates have landed! We all know what they do, they just love to steal.. The pirates have landed only to take our soap and cleaning supplies! Who would have guessed there would be such a...
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  4. dniepoko

    Looking deeper

    This week was all focused on the visual! It is truly amazing how many things contribute to creating a perfect visual. I loved doing the assignments, it is amazing what you can do to any given image. The Wire: Episode...
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  5. dniepoko


    I have no idea why I put this assignment off, it was actually fun! This was my list:   Time: What does disappointment look like? Breaking an egg on the counter today while cooking was my biggest disappoint and making...
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  6. dniepoko

    Surreal Lake

    This assignment was a little bit tricky for me, it was hard to find two of my pictures to correspond with each other. These pictures were both taken on my vacation in Kentucky. Creating a panorama on your own can be very...
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  7. dniepoko

    Mirror, Mirror

    For this assignment, I focused on McNulty. He is very easy to find mirror scenes of because they portray him always the same throughout the episodes.   I thought about who the show focuses on more, McNutly came to mind...
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  8. dniepoko

    Natural to Artsy

    This assignment made it easy to ease on into visual assignments. As always I picked to do a picture of a cow. I thought they were just incredible cute pictures!   Process: I googled pictures of cows and cow art. These...
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  9. dniepoko

    Perfect day

    For this assignment, I get to demonstrate what my perfect day is! I loved this assignment because it allowed to just daydream about my ideal day. This was actually very hard to think about, there were so many options!  ...
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  10. dniepoko

    Vintage Blueprint!

    Something my dad and boyfriend having been talking about a lot lately, today especially is a motorcycle. So I thought this assignment would be fitting to do a blueprint of one.   To make it look more vintage, I just...
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  11. dniepoko

    Jennifer Ralston

    The interview with Jennifer Ralston was extremely interesting! She made me realize how much sound truly does matter. The detail you have to go into just for sounds is astonishing. I never would have guessed any of the things she...
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  12. dniepoko

    All in the Sounds

    After reading and listening to this week’s agenda, I was very intimidated by it due to all the audio. Turns out, it really was not that bad! Audacity was not that intimidating and the audio assignments were enjoyable! The process of...
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  13. dniepoko

    The Wire Radio

    Thinking of ideas for the radio show is somewhat challenging! I have came up with a few, hopefully more will come! Ideas for The Wire, Radio Show: Play favorite quotes from each season Summarize the season in quotes Mimic some...
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  14. dniepoko

    Music Quiz

    Picking a song for this assignment was not easy! There are so many different songs. I picked a song that I just recently heard someone else playing outside. Good luck guessing! The answer will be posted in my weekly summary(:...
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  15. dniepoko

    Country Sounds

    For my assignment, I picked to do a sound scape. I naturally thought of something that had to do with cows.. so the country came into my head. All these noises are the stereotypical country scene. All of the sounds...
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  16. dniepoko

    My Morning in sounds…

    For this assignment I picked to create a story all out of sounds. This was so relevant to me because in social psychology, we just learned the impact of nonverbal communication. This process was pretty easy for me this time! Luckily...
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  17. dniepoko

    My puppies!

    I absolutely loved this daily create! I got so distracted looking at pictures of my dogs. One thing I always do is treat them like a human.. it is so bad! I take them everywhere with me, so they know...
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  18. dniepoko

    Books on Books

    Here is my daily create! The bottom are my pleasure reading books, which also happen to be related to my job. The middle has been my life recently! Taking two chemistry classes can be a struggle. The top picture is...
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  19. dniepoko

    Switching things up

    This week is an easier week, everything is becoming much less complicated for me. I am finally getting the hang of things! One thing I struggled with for a few was creating the menu’s. I found this website that was...
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  20. dniepoko

    Teaching Lessons

    For this assignment, I changed it a little and did a lesson in general rather than to a child. I picked the scene where Valcheck learned who is in charge. This is when Carver reveals how Baltimore is ran by...
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  21. dniepoko

    Color splash!

    I loved this assignment! It ended up correlating really well with my summary of episode 13. The colors the characters wear are very strategically thought out. In the scene I picked from episode 13 was right after Avon and Stringer...
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  22. dniepoko

    Coffee and Chem

    So for today’s daily create I had to look up what a Lune Poem was so I could learn more. This semester, I have a chemistry class everyday but Thursday. Chemistry is in my daily routine, without a doubt! Every...
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  23. dniepoko

    Weekly Summary 8/31

    This week was very interesting for me, I am not very technologically savvy, so there were some difficulties. Social media is not my favorite thing, therefore I tend to stay away from it. Before this course, I have never had a twitter, soundcloud, flickr, or vimeo. It was very interesting learning how to use them, but I finally […]
  24. dniepoko


    Hey guys! I am Danielle Niepokoj, I’m a sophomore at Mary Washington.  You’ll get to learn more about me through my introductions using twitter, flickr, and vimeo. I’m looking forward to this course! Flickr: These are my two dogs, Brandy and Maddie. I absolutely adore them! They go every with me, as you can tell […]

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