Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. DS106

    Weekly Summary 5

    Final Stuff You can find a link to all the inspiration I submitted here. And a link to my audio reflection here.  Assignments Lipsynch to your favorite song. 3 stars Where do you want to go? 3 Stars Show off 5 Stars Total: 11 Stars of Video Mashup Created my own assignment ** 3 stars […]
  2. DS106

    Lip Synch Your Favorite Song


    I did the Lipsynch your favorite song created by Paul Tunick, partly because Paul is one of my good friends. It was funny to sing the song lyrics, and I did it all from memory, so I was pretty impressed iwth my accuracy. And pretty disturbed with my knowledge of …

  3. DS106

    Show Off

      I did the show off assignment to showcase my work. I thought that it was appropriate for this stage of the game. I was reviewing all of my work, and I decided that it would be cool to have some of my favorite stuff in video form. I used imovie to create the video […]
  4. DS106

    Then I did my own Assignment

    I did the mashup assignment that I created for 3 stars. I used Katy Chase’s assignment to upload a bunch of movie clips and mesh them together. I liked her idea, but I also thought it would be fun to do one with music. I thought this was a cool idea because sometimes on the […]
  5. DS106

    Dear 16 year old me

    I did the dear 16 year old me assignment. I wrote a script and then I added a picture of myself at my sweet sixteen birthday party. I used imovie to make the video and then uploaded to youtube. This was my first time doing that, so I was pretty impressed with myself. I think ...
  6. DS106

    Weekly Summary 4: Part 2

        Daily Creates Golden Hour   Favorite Cartoon on Ds106: Confused Minnie Assigments: High School Memories Difficulty: 4 stars Dear 16 Year Old Me Difficulty: 4 Stars Survival Video Difficulty: 4 Stars I am ME Difficulty: 4.5 Stars Total Stars: 15.5 Reflection: I had a really good time doing the videos. I wrote the […]
  7. DS106

    Survival Video

    I did the Survival Video Assignment as a letter to my mom about how to survive a trip to Africa. I went abroad to Tanzania, so this was pretty easy for me to come up with. I used iMovie and I added music from the ever so popular (and fantastic) Lion King. Difficulty: 4 Stars […]
  8. DS106

    High School Memories


    I did the high school memories assignment because I have been working on it for a long time and actually started it and published it a long time ago, then for the assignment added the audio and video clips. The pictures are all from old facebook albums and an old …

  9. DS106

    Weekly Summary #3

    Weekly Summary #3 Daily Creates TDC512 Perfect Day In Comic Form If I were Bemis TDC512 Assignments Radio Bumper 2 Stars   DS106 Commercial 3 stars   So and Sos Greatest Hits 3.5 stars   Make Your Own Ringtone 2 stars   Total Star...
  10. DS106

    Radio Show Narrative

    Let me start off by saying I feel terrible for the future group members of one Wesley Roberts and one Andrew Thomas. Just kidding. We had a lot of fun. Often at my expense, but I am a good sport. We met on google hangout because I am in Connecticut and they are both in ...
  11. DS106

    Weekly Summary 2

    Weekly Summary 2 My comments on the Scott Lo podcast episodes can be found here. My Create Commons assignment is here. This is the link to the explanation of each of the design concepts here. This is the blog with the photos from my safari! Daily Creates Blog about the perspective of daily create 498 ...
  12. DS106

    Daily Create: What might Henry Bisme Do Next?

    So.. the world has been destroyed. And Bisme is left with his one love, books. But he can’t see. His glasses are broken. What happens next? In my version of the ending.. Henry Bisme is devastated and alone in the library when an unexpected visit from an eye doctor nearly shocks him too death. She ...
  13. DS106

    Design Safari

    You can find my explanation of the design concepts here. Metaphor/Symbol The arrows on either side of the subway logo indicate the type of establishment it is. The arrows imply that it is fast food. Color The color of the towing sign is red. The reason that it is red is because, like stop sign ...
  14. DS106

    Scott Lo Podcast Comments For Week 2

    Episode 7: The whole idea of the play stressed me out just listening because it seems so difficult. This post made me feel a little bit behind the eight ball, but I am in the process of seeking extra help and all the ds106zoners are really helping me a lot. Episode 8: It is good ...
  15. DS106

    One Story Four Icons

      I created this One Story Four Icons image about the Twilight Zone episode “The Midnight Sun.” The image of the woman represents Norma and her feeling very hot and as though the world was about to melt. Then the image of her dreaming is a representation that the world melting was in fact a dream. ...
  16. DS106

    Deserted Island..

      I took this assignment (Deserted Island..) which was more asking whatI would take if I could take three things if I was stranded on a deserted island. I decided to put a twilight zone twist on things and come up with what Henry Bemis in the episode, Time Enough At Last may bring to ...
  17. DS106

    Illustrate A Catchphrase

      I did the assignment titled “Illustrate A Catchphrase” in order to fulfill both a design requirement for DS106, but also a twilight zone requirement. I took an image off of google images which was the result of my search “people holding bees” and decided to take the literal meaning of the cliche (or catchphrase) “beauty ...
  18. DS106

    Sardonic Mashup

    I decided to do a mashup for this audio assignment titled “Sardonic Mashups,” my first ever audio assignment, and my first ever mashup. The assignment was to use some sort of apology speech or something of the sort and add music to it to make it funny(?). I transferred the youtube video of Anthony Weiner’s ...
  19. DS106

    Cartoonize It

        I did the assignment titled “Cartoonize Bubba (or Fluffy)” which required me to “cartoonize” my favorite pet. This is a goat that lived on my property in Africa when I was abroad there. I used the recommended site BeFunky to make the original more clear and to cartoonize it. Then I used fotor to create a ...
  20. DS106

    “The Ultimate Merger”

      I did the assignment titled The Ultimate Merger under the design section of the assignment bank. In this assignment we were to create a logo that merges two like companies or two ironic companies. I decided to merge the logos of the two leading coffee companies, Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts. Assigment difficulty: 3.5 stars Total ...
  21. DS106

    TDC 5/30/12 Part 2

    Based on Kathleen Johnson’s image for today, I used Idée’s Multicolor Search Lab to create a composite image of CC-licensed images from Flickr that contain the colors of my morning sky. Then I layered that composite image on top of my original photo.

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