Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92886 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. elevatorbingo

    We’re almost there!

    I’m excited to see your group projects today! Show us what the future of storytelling could look like!!!! Here are the instructions for your final. They are on Friday at 12 AM!  This is a hard deadline as I am leaving town I will be doing grades on Saturday. Borrowing from DJ Spooky’s book The […]
  2. elevatorbingo

    Some Things to Check Out

    I hope that everyone had a nice, little vacation. I know that I sure needed the break! We are moving on to interactive video. It is medium that has much possibility and potential in both fiction and non fiction. I’m posting many examples of videos. I also posted an interview with a French interactive video […]
  3. elevatorbingo

    Week 3 – Can you beleive it

    Just wanted to touch base. Please take the time to look at each others and write at least one review. This should be written on your blog but linked to the persons piece. Also don’t forget to let them know. If you don’t have a link yet shoot me an email with your url. Homework […]
  4. elevatorbingo

    There’s a twist – Check the Challenge out!

    I can’t believe this our last class! By the end of today’s class I will need to have OKed all final projects Remember – Your Transmedia stories must successfully give your character an on line identity and contextualize her or him in the Megaflood story that has been unfolding. Presentation is important! Consider how you […]
  5. elevatorbingo

    The Storm is Rageing – Who will hear you?

    Ok – The saga continues … babys are being born, cupcakes are being sold, rats are roaming, friends are lost. Who can you trust? Where are you DIgital Story tellers? Follow – (wordpress) Follow megastorm2019 on twitter. The official record is depending on your voice – tweet like hell and use the tags #CT101, […]
  6. elevatorbingo

    Threads from our Boroughs

    Check out: And people continue to send plot updates – Manhattan we’re waiting on you. Read these plot summaries as you build out your characters and storlines and see if you incorporate or reference an element from another’s boroughs plots. Brooklyn KingDom After the Flood Warnings and the majority of neighborhood dead and some […]
  7. elevatorbingo

    Operation King Rat and Homework

    Couple things from the laundry list. New York’s disaster story of the century has a new webpage that will be aggregating all your project related media through the use of URL tags to the page. The project url: is here Check out the site regularly for story updates and important survival instructions. megaflood umerto will be […]
  8. elevatorbingo

    Humor, Race and Mockumentaries

    I hope that you are all having a well deserved break and that you are taking advantage of the time to make up any work that you may have missed! I will be checking all your blogs within the next few days – so make sure they are looking awesome! The Tribeca Film festival is […]
  9. elevatorbingo

    Happy Editing and First Sunny Day

    Hello People - Very excited to see your mockumentaries! Please come to class on time so that we have enough time to see them all. Don’t forget to upload them to Youtube or Vimeo and embed them into your WP sites. Also, I understand that we got a late start to our WordPress sites but […]
  10. elevatorbingo

    Video trailers, Robot Snowden, Foley Art …

    Hello Everyone, I hope that you are enjoying making your mash-up trailers! Remember that you want to change the intention of the film/tv/video/s through your editing decisions, voice overs and use of of sounds. Here is a basic imovie tutorial. And here is a imovie link to download the program for free! As in free […]
  11. elevatorbingo

    sound scapes …

    Sorry, for leaving those “demo posts” up accidentally … I was demonstrating the difference between linking and embedding in Word Press. I was happy to hear some of your mash-ups and think that many of you have done a really good job! Maybe this project has created yet another generation of DJs. I’m also really […]
  12. elevatorbingo

    Welcome to the Srt Pepper’s Lonely Heart Band

    Hello,  so much going on – so read this post carefully and don’t forget to have fun! As you are are aware we began the process of setting up our Word press sites (better late than never)!!!  Think of your site as your little corner of the internet and your domain name is your personalized […]
  13. elevatorbingo


    Hello, Good to be back … and nice to see what you have been working on. Take a look at our new course tumblr site – !!! Don’t forget to submit. A quick note … We should be getting our Word Press Sites next week and I’ll be giving you instructions about what to […]
  14. elevatorbingo

    Net Neutrality and Journeys.

    Hello Everyone, By the time you read this I will be on an Airplane to Berlin, Germany. Dwayne and Shakira,the TAs will be running the class today. Please feel free to contact me via email at any point and I will get back to you as soon as possible. It is important that you refer […]
  15. elevatorbingo

    Digital Storytelling 2014-02-08 17:20:10

      Hello Everyone, By the time you read this I will be on an Airplane to Berlin, Germany. Dwayne and Shakira,the TAs will be running the class today. Please feel free to contact me via email at any point and I will get back to you as soon as possible. It is important that you […]

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